setup... a rather makeshift one in the living room. The Norh 7.0
sits on the floor. Its elder brother, the Norh 9.0 is perched atop
the "specially designed passive-radiating speaker stand utilizing
no less than 10 different materials", i.e. ... an old yamaha
speaker. *grin*...
The setup in full view... the electronics driving them are a Jolida CD player and amplifier (100W). Must be getting old, can't remember the models. : )
A slightly closer view of the Norh 7.0 (on the floor) and Norh 9.0. The 7.0 uses the familiar 7 inch Scanspeak carbon fibre/paper woofer that is widely used in the loudspeaker industry. The Norh 9.0 is a monster, using the Scanspeak Revelator tweeter and (newly launched) 5 inch Revelator woofer. These are Scanspeak's top of the line drivers. The speaker cabinets are uniquely made in the shape of the Thai long drum from marble.
The Norh 4.0. A petite little fella that is only at a fraction of its elder siblings' prices, uses a Vifa woofer housed in a nicely lacquered hardwood cabinet.
No.. this is not a VCD player... ; ) It is a CD player from Jolida.
Jolida's integrated amplifer.
IL-R : Sniper, Wee, Azubach Azubach is in the process of performing finger contortion... hehe... actually explaining the workings of the Norh speakers.
Pre-occupied with listening... L-R : Mark Rogers (Sonic Art Australia), Azubach's son, Tan
with food...
Close-up of the amp (SonicArt Legend SE) that outputs a "whopping" 4 watts.. But do not underestimate it! 4 watts can go a long way with efficient speakers...
The Legend SE placed on top of the Jolida. Look at how small it is... We tried it with the 7.0 and 9.0, but decided that it was better off driving the 4.0. The 7.0 and 9.0 are not your favourite sensitive speakers with those Scanspeak drivers.
Background (L-R) : Sniper, Awhw and wife, Kishor
The host of the pow wow, Azubach.