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120v output toroidal step down transformers
« on: August 26th, 2017, 3:10pm »
Lots of people incorrectly thought that Japan and USA both use 110v as their utility power voltage, that's ----- totally wrong.
In fact Japan is using 100v and USA/Canada are using 120v utility power voltage.
Use a low quality 110v output will cause Japanese amps to work at 10% overvoltage and USA/Canada gears to be undervoltage.
Overvoltage or undervoltage both cause amps not working on their optimized bias and make them sounds worse than they should be.
Overvoltage can also cause amps overheat and shorting the life of the electrolytic caps.
Tube or Valve amps are sensitive the power voltage and the 10% difference in power voltage will cause 20%-30% reduce the life of the cathodes, since they are not heated to the correct working temperature.
The solution to the problems is, use 100v output transformers for Japanese gears and, use 120v output transformers for USA/Japanese gears.
For the reasons I mentioned above, I never sell transformers that output 110v.
I only sell quality transformers that output 100v for Japanese audio gears or 120v output for USA/Canada gears.
One of my happy customer Mr Tee who uses: USA Version Manrantz CD7 with Radis monoblocks and Tanoy Presitage speakers noticed about 8% sound quality improvement after replaceing the normal japanese EI type transformer with this one.
Toroidal transformers are more efficient than the cheaper laminated E-I types for a similar power level. Other advantages compared to E-I types, include smaller size (about half), lower weight (about half), less mechanical hum (making them superior in audio amplifiers), lower exterior magnetic field (about one tenth), low off-load losses (making them more efficient in standby circuits), choice of shapes. The main disadvantages are higher cost.
You can leave it on all the time without worrying about it become overheated or consume lots of electricity.
These transformers are sealed with epoxy and are extremely quite. You can't even hear anything when you put your ears on it. This quietness is very important for the CD players.
If you own USA version CD player these are good partners.

Country of origin: England
Construction: Epoxy sealed.
Input voltage: 220-240v
Output voltage: 110v-120v
Output power:
100va version (one USA standard NEMA socket) $140 Standby power consumption less than 1w.
300va version (two USD standard NEMA socket) $200 Standby power consumption less than 2w
500va version $250 Standby power consumption less than 3w
1000va Version $350 Standby Power CONSUMPTION less than 4W.
Come with 2 USA standard NEMA receptacles (power sockets) with grounding.
Built-in thermo relay for overload protection (see in the back view the device with the black reset button).
sms/whatapp 9189 2038.

Condition: Brand New.
SMS/Whatsapp 9189 2038