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  « New launch- Ground Isolator (MK2 version) »
March 14th, 2025, 2:51pm
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   New launch- Ground Isolator (MK2 version)
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New launch- Ground Isolator (MK2 version)
« on: October 22nd, 2017, 6:44am »

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New launch- Ground Isolator (MK2 version) (Acoustic Synergy)

Thank you bros and sisters for the past and continuous support and kindly allow us to introduce our new improved product in the Accessories collection
- Ground Isolator (MK2 version)

Many great positive feed backs from customers! Thank you regulars and new friends for your kind support. In our opinion it's a must have addition to any system no matter if it's a mega buck or entry level system. It will bring the current system to another level beyond your expectation!

Clean and good earth/ground is one of the main prerequisites for a good sound reproduction. The Ground Isolator is designed to ground all equipment eg turntables,CD players, Preamps, TV and other devices which are particularly sensitive to disturbance. It provides alternative and more direct route to dissipate unwanted noise/energy from equipment that will cause cross talk and humming which will result in poorer sound quality.

We are sure that many are very satisfied with the effect of addition of Ground Isolator to current system. However, things got to improve!

After several trials with many materials and in different configurations, our team would like to introduce you the new MK2 version!
With this,
-The soundstage gets deepened and moving back at least a few rows with tremendous reduction in noise.  
-Clarity and micro details was enhanced. More will be heard!
-The imaging was also improved with better accuracy and more controlled bass

Same as MK1 version, it also helps to solve several humming/hissing cases due to ground loop. Please note that it will not solve humming/hissing due to electrical component/part damage/loose, transformer humming, poor soldering etc.

Kindly refer to http://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/ground-isolator-mk2-version.ht ml for pictures

Please note that a lot of effort was involved in the trial to come out with the optimum configuration (cable connection method, insulation, stabilisation and isolation method used etc) and the type of pure silver cable at the internal of Ground Isolator and silver plated copper cable of the ground cable are used (cable origin/source, purity, gauge and dielectric ) all contributes to the overall performance.  Even with the RCA female plug quality and cassis will affect the overall performance too.

Our team has decided to seal the product cassis to protect our efforts being utilized.

Price for each component (no change in pricing compared to MK1 version!!!)
Ground Isolator
S$ 380 /set with 1m ground power cord (US or UK MK plug)
S$ 410 /set with 1.5m ground power cord (US or UK MK plug)
Kindly note for customers who connect the Ground Isolator to Acoustic Synergy Power Distributor (8 ways) IEC ground point
- the ground power cord type is with female IEC plugs at both ends. Kindly request while purchase.
- for customers who has purchased the Ground Isolator and wish to use the Acoustic Synergy Power Distributor (8 ways) IEC ground point, plug change is free.

Amphenol RCA-US Plug ground cable
S$ 80 /1m set
S$ 110 /1.5m set

Spade-US Plug ground cable
S$ 80 /1m set
S$ 110 /1.5m set

Kindly refer to website link in the signature below if you need more information.

One-stop for all your cable and accessories need
We have Powercords, Stereo Interconnects and Headphone Cables, Portable 3.5mm-3.5mm Jack Interconnects, Y cables, Subwoofer Interconnects, Speaker cables and jumpers, HDMI cables, Isolation Transformer, Audio Enhancer, Ground Isolator, Power Distributor, In-Line Filter, Spike plates, RCA caps, Bluray lens cleaner etc.

My contact is 91182849. Thankyou

One-stop online shop for cables and accessories to meet your need :


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