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  « Various Powercords and Interconnects »
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Various Powercords and Interconnects
« on: October 22nd, 2017, 7:30am »

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Various Powercords and Interconnects (Acoustic Synergy)

Thank you bros and sisters for the past and continuous support. We always continue to provide better performance product by sourcing on better cables or by modifying on existing configuration.

Various options available
-MK UK plug/ US plug
-figure 8 plug/13A IEC/ 20A IEC

"Jackhammer " Powercord
The cable is made of High purity solid core copper conductors (15 AWG) as conductor with outer teflon and nylon braiding. It gives full body with authority and forward sounding!
Excellent match for vocal and orchestra lovers

Pricing (In Singapore dollars not inclusive of registered postage)
1. Powercord (1m) with male connector plug, iec plug ($55)
2. Powercord (2m) with male connector plug, iec plug ($90)

Monster Powerline 400 Signature Series Powercord
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/monster-powerline-400-signatu re-series.html
This powercord will give dead quiet background due to its excellent shielding from surrounding interference throughout from head to toe. When noise is eliminated, the details comes!!! You will not feel any lack in term of dynamic and drive! This is what a good powercord should perform!

Many bros have used and sold away their expensive powercords that cost several times more ! IT IS THAT GOOD!!!

Many friends cum customers do coming back to me again, thats great and it shows it performs well and help to save $ instead to purchase other higher end and branding to produce similar  performance!

New version now with outer nylon braiding for better insulation and nicer outlook!

Just to include a brief introduction, customer comments and explanation on the powercord
-The powercord suits not only to "expensive system", it gives significant and obvious improvement to sound quality as well to " budget system"
-It beats many even to a thousand plus powercord!

Its characteristics:
The powercord excels irregardless of use in Cdp , preamplifier , integrated amp or poweramp. It is not like other powercord that suits  only the source or amp alone.
No Secret! It is a very good powercord due to its excellent shielding throughout, thick gauge conductor and very good purity copper conductor. These are key factors for any good powercord. you will not feel anylacking in power due to its thick gauge and it gives more details due to it's material and triple shielding of cord as well as shielding from casing
- Quiet Background, great clarity, dynamic with plenty of drive!

Pricing (In Singapore dollars not inclusive of registered postage)
1. Powercord (1m) with male connector plug, iec plug with aluminium casing ($130)
2. Powercord (2m) with male connector plug, iec plug with aluminium casing ($185)

"Hercules" Powercord
It is highly recommended for cd player, preamp or integrated amp
- customer feedback it is great for ps3 as well. A huge jump in PQ over Belden. Colour is richer and lines are sharper. Sonically more dynamic and with great details.

-excellent 3D airiness and smooth sounding with great clarity.
-Bass is fast and accurate without overemphasize or boomy

An inexpensive upgrade from stock or many other powercords.

Pricing (In Singapore dollars not inclusive of registered postage)
1. Powercord (1m) with male connector plug, iec plug ($70)
2. Powercord (2m) with male connector plug, iec plug ($105)


Pls Note : 4% Silver premium solder is used for my DIY cables. They will be professionally terminated with care in stripping process and further secure by hot glue prior to heat sleeve. The final product will be tested by meter and package well before given to customers.

Bros, as there are many diy models of interconnects available, you are most welcome to enquire on which may suit your music genre and system best so I can recommend accordingly. Rest assure that they are made with top quality parts.

Thank you bros and sisters for the past and continuous support. We always continue to provide better performance product by sourcing on better cables or by modifying on existing configuration.

"Silver Bunny" Interconnect
Pure silver solid core conductor
The killing part of this interconnect with 20 hours break-in is the ability to give great clarity, silky smooth and liquid mid-range. The high is extended and the bass is well controlled!
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/silver-bunny-interconnect.htm l
"Silver Bunny" Interconnect in RCA
S$310/1m pair
S$440/1.5m pair

"Silver Bunny Junior " Interconnect
Made of multi-strand 32 AWG 7N pure silver as signal conductor with teflon as dielectric and is shielded with silver plated EMI/RFI canceling braid. The exterior of the cable is covered with teflon insulation. Made in Germany.
It is terminated with Amphenol high quality gold plated RCA plugs and the cable is very flexible.
It needs minimum of 50 hours to run in for optimal performance.
This is the interconnect that has the ability to give extended high and airy sonic characteristics with fast and quick decay bass response.
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/silver-bunny-junior-interconn ect.html
"Silver Bunny Junior " Interconnect in RCA
S$180/1m pair
S$250/1.5m pair
"Silver Bunny Junior" Interconnect in stereo 3.5mm-3.5mm jack (cable length 20cm)
S$80 each

"BumbleBee" Interconnect
The interconnect is able to produce excellent details, great high and airy characteristics. It is highly musical and is great for all genre of music!
"Bumblebee" Interconnect in RCAs
S$180/1m pair
S$250/1.5m pair

"Black Widow" Interconnect
A balance sounding interconnect in every espect. It produces lifelike and wide soundstage which is great for live performance or orchestra!

Pictures: Please note the rca plug comes with 2 types. The one shown below needs bigger room space between the L and R female input. (1.5cm gap between the center 'hole' of the inputs)
"Black Widow" Interconnect in RCAs
S$180/1m pair
S$240/1.5m pair

"Firefly" Interconnect MK2 Version
MK2 version has even better sonic and visual improvements over MK1!
It is a dynamic interconnect with excellent clarity and can be used as digital coaxial and video as well.  
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/firefly-interconnect-mk2-vers ion.html
"Firefly" Interconnect MK2 version in RCAs
S$150/1m pair
S$195/1.5m pair

"Good or Evil" Interconnect MK2 Version
MK2 version has even better sonic improvement over MK1.
This is the interconnect that excels in even better midrange with tighter precise bass and authority compared to previous MK1 version which has received many rave and positive response! It will give you THICKER  and FULLER BODY sounding that fans who likes vocal should not be missed!
Tsai Chin fans please check this out!
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/good-or-evil-interconnect-mk2 -version.html
"Good or Evil" Interconnect MK2 Version in RCAs
S$250/1m pair
S$350/1.5m pair
"Good or Evil" Interconnect MK2 Version in XLRs
-Triple conductors for full balance XLR connection
-Good Quality gold plated Neutrik XLR plugs are used
S$250/1m pair
S$350/1.5m pair
"Good or Evil" Interconnect MK2 Version in stereo 3.5mm-3.5mm jack (cable length 20cm)
S$90 each

"Skinny White" Interconnect MK2 Version
MK2 version is launched now with better Amphenol RCA plugs and better look!
It has very good transient in high, mid and low! Overall sound dynamic and detail. Excellent in Clarity!!!  
This can be use as subwoofer interconnect as well - Fast and tight bass
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/skinny-white-interconnect.htm l
"Skinny White" Interconnect in RCAs
S$80/1m pair
S$100/1.5m pair
"Skinny White" Interconnect in XLRs
S$80/1m pair
S$100/1.5m pair

"Skinny White" as Subwoofer Interconnect and Y-Cable MK2 Version
MK2 version is launched now with better Amphenol RCA plugs and better look!
It provides fast signal transfer with punchy bass required for subwoofer performance.
https://acousticsynergy.weebly.com/subwoofer-interconnects-and-y -cables-mk2-version.html
"Skinny White" Subwoofer Interconnect in RCAs
"Skinny White" Y-Cable
S$55 each

One-stop for all your cable and accessories need
We have Powercords, Stereo Interconnects and Headphone Cables, Portable 3.5mm-3.5mm Jack Interconnects, Y cables, Subwoofer Interconnects, Speaker cables and jumpers, HDMI cables, Isolation Transformer, Audio Enhancer, Ground Isolator, Power Distributor, In-Line Filter, Spike plates, RCA caps, Bluray lens cleaner etc.

My contact is 91182849. Thankyou
« Last Edit: October 22nd, 2017, 7:38am by jng2 » Logged

One-stop online shop for cables and accessories to meet your need :


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