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Topic: Looking for Cartridge, Phono amp, parts & trade |
Posts: 1879
~ Just Enjoy The Music ~
Looking for Cartridge, Phono amp, parts & trade
« on: November 26th, 2017, 8:14am »
Looking for following:
0.5. phono step-up transformer, luxman, denon, JVC etc... brand
0. any decent to mid range phono amp (for beginner)
1. stylus for Shure V15 III or IV. OEM or Jico ok
2. outer platter for Thorens TD16x
3. working stylus + cartridge / MM or MC, Shelter, Denon, Audio Technica AT120x, 440x, AT33ptgx etc...
4. sound anchors 4 post pillar stands
5. decent British made power amp
6. any parts from Thorens TD150
please buzz me if you have the above lying around idling and willing to trade with my LP/CD listed at
thk you, SK
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