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Wilsonzxj ecc83 12ax7 tube
« on: May 5th, 2018, 8:49am »
rare mazda 5751 12ax7 3 mica chrome plate France made strong pair--$400 test results 43/42, 44/42 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/rare%20ma
zda%205751%2012ax7%203%20mica%20chrome%20plate?sort=3&page=1 VERY scarce silver anode French Mazda 5751 tubes with triple mica, like the equally rare 12AX7S Mazda tubes, but with the lower gain of a 5751. Punchy, quiet, and very detailed with incredible dynamic range.
philips miniwatts/amperex ecc83 12ax7 Holland Hereen factory strong pair--$130 test results--44/49, 46/47 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/philips%2
0miniwatts%20amperex%20ecc83%2012ax7?sort=3&page=1 These are identical to the Bugleboy types, made in the same Holland factory at the same time. 1960s Heerlen, Holland (Bugleboy factory). This is a sweet sounding, long lived tube.
holygrail amperex bugleboy ecc83 12ax7 17mm long plate D foil getter--$350 test result--44/44, 48/45 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/amperex%2
0bugleboy%20ecc83%20long%20plate%20D%20getter?sort=3&page=1 Getting rare 1950s date coded BugleBoy type tubes made in Holland. These are the early Holland types, long plate version with the rare foil strip D-getter. These tubes have nearly vanished from circulation. The sweet sounding essence of the Bugle Boy type, but with improved dynamics, top end, detail, and tight bass. These tubes do something that just makes all the instruments so real. I could swear the instruments are in the room with me. I’m not listening to recordings anymore. I now have live performances in my living room.
telefunken ecc83 12ax7 ribbed plate diamond bottom strong pair--$150 test result--46/44, 46/44 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/telefunke
n%20ecc83%2012ax7%20ribbed%20plate%20diamond%20bottom?sort=3&page=1 t
elefunken ribbed plate have a very detail, wide soundstage, good bass. telefunken made one of the best 12au7, 12ax7, 12at7, you will not be disappointed. telefunken 12ax7 ribbed plate have wider soundstage, more detail and more bass than the smooth plate type, while the smooth plate have more high
telefunken rebrand dynaco ecc83 12ax7 smooth plate diamond bottom strong pair--$110 test result--47/47, 44/48 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/telefunke
n%20rebrand%20dynaco%20ecc83?sort=3&page=1 telefunken made one of the best 12au7, 12ax7, 12at7, you will not be disappointed.telefunken 12ax7 ribbed plate have wider soundstage, more detail and more bass than the smooth plate type, while the smooth plate have more high
tubes are tested on tv-7 tube tester use by U.S army and airforce where minimum good for 12ax7, ecc83 is 32/32. strong start around 40/40
interest call--91454638-wilson/ wilsonzxjtube@gmail.com overseas and local registered postage services are available.